SOPA: Pressure mounts on Winde to provide plan on teacher job cuts
Teachers - Latest News
23/01, 06:11
Allegations that teacher job cuts favoured wealthy schools ‘categorically false’ – Western Cape Education Dept
22/01, 13:32
WCED dismisses claims that public schools in wealthy areas exempt from teacher post cuts
14/01, 05:10
DBE insists teaching and learning will not be disrupted despite looming teacher job cuts
03/01, 08:10
Concerns poor areas will be hardest-hit by teacher job cuts
31/12, 10:09
SAC disappointed after bid to halt WC teacher job cuts struck from roll
31/12, 06:12
WC Education Crisis Movement pushing WCED to reconsider teacher job cuts
30/12, 14:40
SAC's bid to delay Western Cape education dept cutting thousands of teaching posts fails
28/11, 11:59
Disaster looming in Western Cape public education sector, says PSA
05/10, 07:46
World Teachers’ Day a UNESCO-recognised initiative that highlights importance of teachers’ role in education
05/10, 07:05
World Teachers' Day: Some days are 'tough' but it's 'all worth it', says Northriding teacher
01/10, 08:48
Govt urged to find other cost-cutting measures instead of axing teacher posts
30/09, 10:15
WC Education Crisis Committee fights teacher job cuts
16/09, 06:25
Over 3,000 teacher posts at risk in Gauteng amid R4.5bn budget cut
15/09, 09:01
Impending teachers’ purge will negatively affect education quality - Education Crisis Committee
12/09, 15:30
Patriotic Alliance says Western Cape Education department needs to act before there's a crisis
31/08, 09:42
Education expert says SA could face serious shortage of teachers by 2030
20/08, 15:19
Better teacher training needed to fix reading crisis - 2030 Reading Panel
15/01, 09:37