Thabiso Goba19 February 2024 | 4:31

Ahead of Gauteng SOPA, Premier Lesufi vows he won’t stop working until tenure ends

The province’s premier will on Monday deliver his final SOPA for the sixth Gauteng administration at Nasrec.

Ahead of Gauteng SOPA, Premier Lesufi vows he won’t stop working until tenure ends

FILE: Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi speaking at the launch of the Mayibuye Primary School in Tembisa on 7 February 2024. Picture: X/EducationGP1

JOHANNESBURG - Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi vowed that he would not stop working until his time in provincial office came to an end.

Lesufi will deliver his final State of the Province Address (SOPA) for the sixth Gauteng administration.


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He was elected premier in October 2022 after serving as Education MEC for many years.

Monday’s SOPA will be held at Nasrec.

SOPAs are usually an opportunity for reflection on the previous year and goals for the coming year. However, in 2024 South Africa goes to the polls, which means new administrations will come into effect after the election.

In a recent media briefing, Lesufi indicated he planned on making the most of his time left in office by announcing more Nasi iSpani jobs.

"If we render services and create opportunities for young people to render services to our communities, it’s electioneering - let it be so. Unfortunately, chest pains are going to come because in the State of the Province Address we're going to announce additional jobs again."

Opposition parties said this would be Lesufi’s last SOPA speech.