Lindsay Dentlinger15 January 2024 | 13:31

DA: CSA's security risk claims a smokescreen for Teeger axing

Cricket South Africa (CSA) has denied it’s acting retroactively against Teeger after he was cleared of misconduct by an independent inquiry for pro-Israeli comments he made last year.

DA: CSA's security risk claims a smokescreen for Teeger axing

South Africa's under-19 cricketer David Teeger. Picture: Supplied/Old Edwardian Society on X

CAPE TOWN - The Democratic Alliance (DA) said that it would launch a formal application to verify the credibility of Cricket South Africa (CSA)'s security risk claims related to the Under-19 World Cup, which has led to David Teeger being stripped of the captaincy.
CSA has denied it’s acting retroactively against Teeger after he was cleared of misconduct by an independent inquiry for pro-Israeli comments he made last year.
But the DA is doubtful, saying CSA needs to share the risk assessment report on which it based its decision.
It believes Teeger, who is Jewish, has been unfairly targeted and the security threats need to be substantiated.
On Sunday, CSA announced Juan James as Teeger’s replacement as captain of the national side.
DA MP Veronica van Dyk: "The DA strongly believes that the proclaimed security threat is merely a smokescreen for what appears to be a political decision by Cricket South Africa."
But CSA’s board chairperson, Lawson Naidoo, said that an inquiry into Teeger’s comments did not come into play in arriving at this decision.
"It will be in the best interest of the tournament, of all the teams participating, especially South Africa, as well as David himself, to allow him to hopefully allow the spotlight to be removed from him."
Naidoo said CSA could not second-guess the information provided to it by security professionals.