Amy Fraser16 April 2024 | 9:35

World's first beauty pageant for AI women is here with $20k prize

Forget those old-school pageants with their unrealistic standards, because now it’s time for AI-generated ladies to strut their stuff.

World's first beauty pageant for AI women is here with $20k prize

Kassidy Davis, AI influencer / Instagram: kassidy.46

Clarence Ford interviews Barbara Friedman about this and other trending news on the web.

Listen below (skip to 05:15).

Hold onto your hats folks, because the AI revolution just took a wild turn!

The world’s first AI beauty pageant is making waves.

Forget those old-school pageants with their unrealistic standards, because now it’s time for AI-generated ladies to strut their stuff.

Welcome to the Fanvue Miss AI pageant, where synthetic competitors will go head-to-head for a chance to snag $20k.

These digital divas will be judged on everything from looks to social media savvy, all with a sprinkle of AI magic.

It's understood that in order to enter, competitors only need to submit an AI-generated image of a woman and provide answers to a list of questions, such as 'what would be your one dream to make the world a better place?'

However, what truly takes the cake is that two of the judges themselves will be AI-generated.

Of course, it will indeed be their creators who will be doing the judging, bringing expertise in how to transform AI images into advertising revenue.

The winners will be announced on 10 May, with an online awards ceremony set to take place later in the month.

Panel includes (yes, they're AI):

"As if life hasn't been hard enough growing up being influenced by normal beauty you've got to compete with AI-generated images of women. "
- Barbara Friedman

Scroll up to the audio player to listen to the interview.