Zulpha Khan3 April 2024 | 6:32

SANParks conducts controlled burn on slopes of Table Mountain

SANParks spokesperson, Lauren Clayton, said the burn would not interrupt cableway operations but says the road won't be accessible to the public for other activities.

SANParks conducts controlled burn on slopes of Table Mountain

SANParks conducted a controlled fire on the slopes of Table Mountain on 3 April 2024. Picture: SANParks Table Mountain National Park/Facebook

CAPE TOWN - You're forgiven if you thought there was another fire on the slopes of Table Mountain on Wednesday morning.
Officials from the South African National Parks (SANParks) said they are conducting a scheduled prescribed burn below Tafelberg Road.
SANParks spokesperson, Lauren Clayton, said the burn would not interrupt cableway operations but says the road won't be accessible to the public for other activities.

"We would like to caution cyclists, hikers and trail runners to remain off the trails below and on the contour path above Tafelberg Road during the burn as we will have fire vehicles on the road to reduce potential risk to people."