Melikhaya Zagagana7 February 2024 | 16:12

Maimane calls on South Africans to stop voting one party into government

The BOSA leader Mmusi Maimane said the fundamental issue that the government failed to address is making sure the education system can produce employable graduates and skilled citizens.

Maimane calls on South Africans to stop voting one party into government

The BOSA leader Mmusi Maimane and deputy Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster addressing the unemployed outside Cape Town City Hall on Wednesday 2 February 2024. Picture: @BuildOneSA/X.

CAPE TOWN - Build One South Africa (BOSA) leader Mmusi Maimane is calling on South Africans to stop voting one party into government.

Maimane was addressing a gathering of unemployed youth outside the City Hall in Cape Town on Wednesday.

This comes ahead of the highly anticipated State of the Nation Address (SONA) by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Maimane said the fundamental issue that the government failed to address is making sure the education system can produce employable graduates and skilled citizens.

According to Maimane, the current African National Congress-led government has turned a blind eye to the problems of South Africans because they have been in power for too long.

“The poor and the unemployed cannot claim dignity. Hunger strips you away, strips you away of your dignity. As Build One South Africa we want to ensure that more and more people can find places to work.”

Maimane said if the plight of unemployed youth is not addressed by Ramaphosa in his SONA speech on Thursday, it will prove that the current government prioritises itself and associates over the country's future leaders.