Sara-Jayne Makwala King30 January 2024 | 12:37

Some political party leaders don't even understand the electoral system - IEMSA

There has been a downward trajectory of voter turnout in SA elections witnessed since the mid-2000s, is lack of education to blame?

Some political party leaders don't even understand the electoral system - IEMSA

Terry Tselane, Executive Chairperson of the Institute of Election Management Services in Africa joins Thabo Shole Mashao to discuss voter education ahead of the 2024 elections.

This year’s national elections are set to become a watershed moment for South Africa as citizens head to the polls to determine whether the ANC will continue as the ruling party as it has done since the dawn of democracy.

This coming weekend the Electoral Commission of South Africa will hold its second voter registration weekend to allow all eligible voters to register to vote, but will they?

The 2021 local government elections saw the lowest turnout for democratic elections in South Africa, with just under half of registered voters heading to the polls. 

That was reflective of a trajectory seen in the country since the mid-2000s.

Tselane says part of the problem is insufficient voter education.

"One can even see with some of the public pronouncement made by some of the leaders of the political parties that they don't understand the electoral system."
Terry Tselane, Executive Chairperson of the Institute of Election Management Services
"Now, if leaders of political parties - and you'd think these are the most advanced within the society - then you can imagine the level of knowledge, or lack thereof, from ordinary people."
Terry Tselane, Executive Chairperson of the Institute of Election Management Services


"The Commission, the political parties, as well as civil society, really has a long way to go, in terms of really educating people about the electoral processes so people can use their own agency to determine their own destiny."
Terry Tselane, Executive Chairperson of the Institute of Election Management Services