Nokukhanya Mntambo7 June 2024 | 5:54

Moeletsi Mbeki calls on new govt to repeal controversial BEE policy

The BEE policy, which is meant to address the persistent levels of inequality, has previously been described as ineffective by parties on the opposition benches.

Moeletsi Mbeki calls on new govt to repeal controversial BEE policy

Moeletsi Mbeki, political analyst, speaks during talks "Nation in Conversation" at the Nampo Harvest Day Expo in Bothaville on 15 May 2018. Picture: AFP

JOHANNESBURG - Political economist Moeletsi Mbeki called on the new government to repeal the controversial Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policy.

Mbeki made the call at PSG’s 'Think Big' series on Thursday as political parties met to discuss coalitions.


- 'The ANC's economic policy was to get blacks to live like whites' - Moeletsi Mbeki

The BEE policy, which is meant to address the persistent levels of inequality, has previously been described as ineffective by parties on the opposition benches.

Years after it was first implemented, the BEE policy is still the subject of heated debate.

In their election manifestos, some political parties criticised the policy, labelling it as a breeding ground for corruption.

Mbeki said affirmative action was a blunt tool, reiterating calls for it to be scrapped.

“If I were to advise a new government, if it were an ANC [African National Congress] government, I would say cancel Black Economic Empowerment, [and] repeal every law that says Black Economic Empowerment.”

Mbeki said the ANC and other parties need better policies to address the country’s socioeconomic challenges.

“The citizens of this country don’t elect a government to address the past, they elect a government to create a better future.”

He said addressing unemployment and bringing down the public sector wage bill also need to be a priority for the new administration.