Meet Melanie Zanetti - the voice of Chilli Heeler (Bluey and Bingo's mum)
Chilli Heeler has been described as one of the most loved TV moms in the world.
Picture: Supplied
CapeTalk’s Sara-Jayne Makwala King spoke to actress, Melanie Zanetti.
Listen to their conversation in the audio clip below.
She is regarded as nothing short of a total hero to millions of children worldwide.
We are, of course, talking about Chilli Heeler, the mum of Bluey and Bingo from the award-winning children's television series 'Bluey.'
Mum Chilli is voiced by Australian actress, Melanie Zanetti.
The series, which has been running since 2018, follows the adventures of a lovable and energetic six-year-old puppy, Bluey, who, along with her sister Bingo, parents, and friends, is exploring and learning about the world around her.
'Bluey' is not only a hit with children, but parents too.
What makes the show so relatable for children and adults?
" has such beautiful messaging without being didactic and shoving anything down your throat. It really respects the intelligence of the whole audience; little kids and their families...there's something in there for everyone."
- Melanie Zanetti, actress
What's your favourite episode?
"I have enjoyed recording all of them because the writing is so brilliant. We get the scripts obviously before we record and with my first read, for almost all the scripts, I am laughing and crying just reading it - and going this is so profound."
- Melanie Zanetti, actress
"Sleepy Time is probably my favourite episode - I think it is so beautifully made..."
- Melanie Zanetti, actress
What's the biggest compliment you've received from parents?
"Parents who say this has changed the way I parent- that this has made me a better mum and dad. I have had teachers tell me that they have children with learning disabilities in their class and it has taught them how to play with other children. I had a family who had lost a child and the show was helping them get through it...there's so many things that people have said to me that I feel like it's so amazing being part of a show that is putting out good into the world."
- Melanie Zanetti, actress
A theatrical adaptation of the TV series called 'Bluey’s Big Play' will be heading to the Artscape Opera House in Cape Town from 26 June 205 to 6 July 2025 and Johannesburg's Teatro at Montecasino from 9 to 20 July 2025.
"It is joyous and is a good length for small's everything you love about the show but right in front of's so beautiful."
- Melanie Zanetti, actress
Click here to book your tickets.
Scroll up to listen to the full conversation.