Chante Ho Hip5 February 2024 | 7:53

IEC reports successful voter registration weekend in Gauteng

The IEC estimates about 100 000 new voters were added to the voters' roll over the weekend.

IEC reports successful voter registration weekend in Gauteng

FILE: An official helps a citizen register for elections. Picture: Eyewitness News

Africa Melane speaks to the IEC Provincial Electoral Officer for Gauteng, Thabo Masemula. 

Listen below (skip to 8:17).

It was a successful past few days for the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) as it conducted its final in-person voter registration weekend. 

The IEC estimates that 400 000 people were assisted and about 100 000 new voters were enrolled at 2799 voting stations across the province. 

Only two voting stations faced minor delays, Refilwe (Ward 99) and Lethabong (Ward 100) in Pretoria, due to service delivery protests. 

The two voting stations opened two hours late on Saturday (3 February).

“People would have been inconvenienced a bit for obvious reasons… but those two cases were dealt with by SAPS.”

- Thabo Masemula, Gauteng Provincial Electoral Office – IEC  

Online voter registration remains open until the day before the official election day (yet to be announced).

Visit the IEC website to find out more.