Sara-Jayne Makwala King3 July 2024 | 11:03

Motorists are furious! Fuel price cuts not reflecting at pumps

There was no Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy to sign off on the fuel price adjustments.

Motorists are furious! Fuel price cuts not reflecting at pumps

Picture: Pexels

Clarence Ford speaks to Reggie Sibiya, CEO of the Fuel Retailers Association.

Click below to listen.

Motorists expecting relief at the pumps this morning (Wednesday) were left disappointed.

Fuel prices were meant to reduce at midnight, however, they remained static.

Sibiya explained why retailers have not adjusted the prices.

"The department did confirm that the information is correct, except that is has not yet been signed by the minister... and that press release had the effective date of the 3rd for the price decrease."
- Reggie Sibiya, CEO - Fuel Retailers Association

Sibiya says the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy issued another release confirming the price decrease would be effective from 4 July.

However, Sibiya says that it is dependent on the minister's signature.

"In essence, from a regulatory perspective, retailers cannot change the pump price until there is an official gazette."
- Reggie Sibiya, CEO -  Fuel Retailers Association
"We are hopeful that he will prioritise it, but until we get that signed off... it would be irregluar to change the price..."
- Reggie Sibiya, CEO -  Fuel Retailers Association

Scroll up to the audio player to listen to the interview.