Quarterly Employment Statistics survey shows increase in basic salaries and wages
The results show an increase of 0.8% which equals a total of R889.7 billion.
Picture: © zakspeed271/123rf.com
CAPE TOWN - According to the latest Quarterly Employment Statistics survey, there has been an increase in basic salaries and wages.
The results show an increase of 0.8%, which equals a total of R889.7 billion.
The figures for September to December 2024 were released by Statistics South Africa on Tuesday.
StatsSA said that community services, trade, manufacturing, business services, transport, construction, and electricity industries were the key contributors to this upward trend.
However, the mining industry once reported a decline in salaries and wages.
Statistician-General Risenga Maluleke said: "This was due to an increase in the following industries: trade, manufacturing, community services, business services, construction, transport and electricity, while mining reported a decrease. Year-on-year gross earnings increased by R35.5 billion between December 2023 and December 2024."