Keely Goodall20 March 2025 | 11:47

State witness in Joshlin Smith trial 'cracking under pressure'

Lourentia Lombaard, the State’s main witness in the Joshlin Smith trial, had to be escorted from the dock twice after suffering from panic attacks during her cross examination.

State witness in Joshlin Smith trial 'cracking under pressure'

Joshlin Smith's mother, Kelly Smith and co-accused Jacquen Appolis and Stevano van Rhyn are charged with kidnapping and human trafficking. Picture: Kayleen Morgan/ Eyewitness News

Amy MacIver, in for Clarence Ford, gets the latest on the Joshlin Smith trial from Eyewitness News reporter Carlo Peterson.

In a dramatic turn of events the State’s main witness in the Joshlin Smith trial, Lourentia Lombaard, had to be escorted from the dock twice after suffering from panic attacks during her cross-examination on Wednesday.

“She seemed to start shaking and became unresponsive,” Peterson reports.

Lombaard has returned for cross-examination after receiving a medical certificate confirming that she is fit to testify.

Peterson argues that her performance today will reveal whether she can be considered a credible witness.

“It definitely seems like she is cracking under the pressure of the tough questioning she is facing. Whether it is because she possibly lied in her testimony, or she is just not equipped to deal with the pressure remains to be seen.

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