UCT adds isiXhosa to official list of languages
The recently implemented language policy will see isiXhosa used alongside English and Afrikaans in all university communications.
University of Cape Town's upper campus. Picture: © Dmitrii Sakharov /123rf.com
CAPE TOWN - The University of Cape Town (UCT) has added isiXhosa to its list of official languages.
The recently implemented language policy will see isiXhosa used alongside English and Afrikaans in all university communications.
In addition, the revised policy encourages undergraduate students to take a course in isiXhosa communication if they do not already have proficiency in an indigenous South African language.
UCT director for the multilingual project, Professor Lolie Makhubu-Badenhorst, says this initiative aims to promote marginalised indigenous languages in South Africa.
"It's attributed to language if we are only using the language that is foreign to the student then the student can't access knowledge therefore you might as well teach to the desks because the students, not all of them can benefit or hear your lecture or can communicate freely with you being the lecturer."
The revised UCT language policy has also identified Afrikaaps Kkaaps), South African Sign Language (SASL), and Khoekhoegowab and N|uu as languages for further development.