Mining production falls for third consecutive month - Stats SA
Principal survey statistician at Stats SA, Juan-Pierre Terblanche, said the industry produced less iron ore, platinum group metals and coal.
Picture: Pixabay/Aristal 8595022 1280
JOHANNESBURG - The mining industry has taken another beating, with output falling for a third consecutive month.
Stats SA released the January figures on Thursday.
Mining production dropped by 2.7 percent year-on-year in January compared with the same period in 2024.
This is the sharpest contraction since June last year.
Principal survey statistician at Stats SA, Juan-Pierre Terblanche, said the industry produced less iron ore, platinum group metals and coal.
"Iron ore was the biggest negative contributor, retreating by 15.1% and subtracting 2.7 percentage points from overall mining group."
Manufacturing didn’t do any better, also starting the year off on a weaker note.
Director of industry statistics at Stats SA, Nicolai Claassen, said that losses in the manufacturing industry in January were led by petroleum.
"Other divisions that experienced a poor month include communications and professional equipment, textile and clothing, electrical machinery and food and beverages."