Workers unite for a 'people's budget': Unions plan mass protests ahead of delayed Budget Speech
Following disagreement among MPs regarding a VAT hike, the Budget Speech was cancelled last month. It is set to go ahead tomorrow (Wednesday).
Nehawu members protest during a nationwide wage strike on 8 March 2023. Picture: X/@_cosatu
702 and CapeTalk's Africa Melane is joined by Barry James Mitchell of the National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union (NEHAWU).
Listen below:
A 'people's budget'.
That's what various trade unions are calling for as Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana returns to Parliament on Wednesday to deliver his delayed budget speech.
Various organisations, including NEHAWU, are gearing up for mass action on Wednesday.
Mitchell says they're taking to the streets to protest against what he calls the National Treasury's 'fixation' with budget cuts.
"The last 10 years we've seen a number of cuts to health, education, policing - vital public services."
- Barry James Mitchell, Parliamentary officer - NEHAWU
ALSO READ: Budget speech postponed: ‘The ANC has learned they don’t govern alone’ - DA
Unions argue that austerity is a political choice and one that threatens workers, grants, and public services.
"This broad front of different organisations is calling for an end to austerity and ensuring that government and Treasury prioritise its constitutional obligations in relation to health, education and social services."
- Barry James Mitchell, Parliamentary officer - NEHAWU
Despite the planned protest, Mitchell says they're not hopeful of a budget that will speak to their concerns.
"We don't have high expectations."
- Barry James Mitchell, Parliamentary officer - NEHAWU
Last month, many South Africans felt they dodged a bullet when Godongwana's Budget Speech was postponed.
A proposed 2% VAT hike was put on ice, for the time being
The new-look Budget is due to be presented on Wednesday.
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