Joshlin Smith trial: New witness set to testify
A detective investigating the case last week detailed how various leads to find Joshlin yielded no results.
Joshlin Smith's mother, Kelly Smith (R), and co-accused Jacquen Appolis and Stevano van Rhyn are charged with kidnapping and human trafficking. Picture: Carlo Petersen/EWN.
CAPE TOWN - State prosecutors in the trial related to missing six-year-old Joshlin Smith are set to introduce a new witness when the matter resumes on Monday.
A detective investigating the case last week detailed how various leads to find Joshlin yielded no results.
The little girl's mother, Kelly Smith, Jacquen Appollis and Stevano van Rhyn face charges of kidnapping and human trafficking related to Joshlin's disappearance.
The State's fifth witness will take the stand to testify in the Western Cape High Court, sitting at the Saldanha multi-purpose centre.
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Last week -- child protection unit detective, Child Protection Unit detective, Sergeant Meyer Milstein told the court his team followed up various leads to find Joshlin but their efforts yielded no results.
Milstein said co-accused van Rhyn told him he suspected a Middelpos resident named "Ayanda" kidnapped Joshlin and sold her for muthi.
At the time, "Ayanda" was the boyfriend of former accused Lourentia Lombaard, who has since turned State witness.
Milstein told the court after an extensive investigation and search, nothing came of van Rhyn's theory.