'This Minister is unfit for office' says MK Party's Reddy about Majodina
The house has been debating a 2023 petition from Germiston residents for parliament to intervene in the non-supply of water by the Ekurhuleni municipality.
Minister of Water and Sanitation Pemmy Majodina addressed a press briefing at the Johannesburg Water head office in Newtown, Johannesburg on 11 November 2024. Picture: Jacques Nelles/EWN
CAPE TOWN - The MK Party’s Visvin Reddy has become the first parliamentarian in the new administration to be evicted from the National Assembly on Tuesday after starting a rallying cry for the head of Water and Sanitation Minister Pemmy Majodina.
The house has been debating a 2023 petition from Germiston residents for parliament to intervene in the non-supply of water by the Ekurhuleni municipality.
Reddy said their problems are not unique and Majodina is failing communities across the country who have to live without water due to the failures of her department.
In a heated debate over recommendations by parliament’s water and sanitation committee to deal with the Germiston water crisis, Reddy lashed out Minister Majodina.
He said that recommendations such as building new reservoirs, and the completion of the Lesotho highlands project will take too long to solve the immediate problems.
"This Minister is unfit for office. She’s in denial, she’s out of touch and she’s failed our nation," said Reddy.
Reddy then rallied the house to demand Majodina be fired, despite attempts by deputy speaker Annelie Lotriet to call him out of order.
"Pemmy must go! Pemmy must go," chanted Reddy.
Reddy claimed not to have heard Lotriet’s instruction, and after refusing to heed a request to leave the house Lotriet escalated the matter.
"I now call upon the parliamentary protection services in terms of rule 7.3.2 to assist the Serjeant-at-Arms to remove the member from the chamber and the precinct so that the house can proceed with its business," said Lotriet.
Reddy then left of his own accord - shouting back at the chair as he walked out.
Lotriet says she will refer her ruling to the powers and privileges committee, while the MK Party can challenge her decision in the rules committee after the party’s whips complained she was ignoring their interjections and the sound problems they are experiencing in the parliamentary dome.