Rape survivor Alison Botha 'relieved' after her attackers' parole cancelled
On Tuesday, the Correctional Services Department announced it had cancelled the paroles of Frans du Toit and Theuns Kruger.
Alison Botha / Facebook: Alison Botha
JOHANNESBURG - Rape survivor, Alison Botha, said she felt "relieved" after her attackers were sent back to prison.
On Tuesday, the Correctional Services Department announced it had cancelled the paroles of Frans du Toit and Theuns Kruger.
In 1995, the two men were sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape, attempted murder and kidnapping of Botha.
They were released on parole in 2023 without Botha's knowledge.
Botha family spokesperson and attorney, Tania Koen, said the decision to send the men back behind bars was long overdue.
"Alison's first word to me was that she is relieved and she feels like she can breathe again and I can actually hear the difference in her voice when I gave her the news. She has asked me to express her gratitude to the minister (of Correctional Services, Pieter Groenewald) who is prioritising the safety of the community and also her thanks to Advocate Annade Theart-Hofmeyr and I for supporting her in this journey."