FGASA aiming to train tour guides to reach a professional level
Michelle du Plessis, managing director of FGASA, said that they viewed tour guides as professionals and wanted them to have that training.
Picture: Fgasa Guides/Facebook
CAPE TOWN - South Africa has many nature and game reserves to tour and explore.
The Field Guide Association of Southern Africa (FGASA) is an organisation that trains beginner nature guides to become the best possible tour guide for visitors.
Michelle du Plessis, managing director of FGASA, said that they viewed tour guides as professionals and wanted them to have that training.
"So we are very excited because with this move, we will then represent the entire sector regardless of where the guide has trained and give the opportunity to the guide to reach a professional level and to actually embark on a professional journey."
Du Plessis said that they received many youngsters wanting to work.
"We do get a lot of youngsters coming into the industry wanting to do something for a year or two or three but its definitely changing, the landscape has changed. The employers of the industry are expecting exceptional standards and exceptionally high levels of guiding."