GDE places over 30,000 late applicants for grades 1 and 8 on its online admission systems
This in addition to over 300,000 applicants for Grades 1 and 8 under the category of complete applications.
School governing bodies cost scholar transport schemes in the Western Cape millions. Picture: Eyewitness News
JOHANNESBURG - The Gauteng Department of Education said it recorded and placed over 30,000 late applicants on its online admission systems.
This in addition to over 300,000 applicants for grades 1 and 8 under the category of complete applications.
Applications with incomplete details such as those without documents or addresses, were only allowed to select schools from 11 December 2024.
The process for online application began on 16 December last year.
Applicants were ranked for placement according to home addresses closest to the school, siblings in the same school and previous school in the feeder zone of the school applied to.
READ: Gauteng parents have until end January 2025 to finalise school placements for Grade 1 and 8
The department said that those who could not be accommodated in the schools they applied to received transfer letters to the next closest schools.
"We can confirm that we have now recorded over 30,000 late applications, meaning that all those who would have applied late they are placed because they would have chosen schools in the system. Because we have availed only schools that have space in the system," said Gauteng Education Department spokesperson, Steve Mabona.
The deadline for late applications is in 18 days.