Carlo Petersen30 September 2024 | 5:23

Public participation process for affordable housing at Woodstock Hospital underway - CoCT

In August, the city announced its plans to release the site, which has been occupied by about 900 people since 2017, for the development of social housing.

Public participation process for affordable housing at Woodstock Hospital underway - CoCT

The old Woodstock Hospital in Cape Town also known as Cissie Gool house. Picture: Kaylynn Palm/Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - The city said that a public participation process related to its intention to release the Woodstock Hospital site for affordable housing was now underway.

In August, the city announced its plans to release the site, which has been occupied by about 900 people since 2017, for the development of social housing.

Mayco member for human settlements, Carl Pophaim, said that the property was valued at approximately R87 million and would include 500 residential units. 

However, the city has made it clear that some of the occupants living at the hospital would not qualify for social housing.

"The city will conduct engagements with the unlawful occupants, as well as the surrounding community, as part of this broad public participation process. The city's response to the existing occupants will be dependant on the socioeconomic profile of their households."   

Pophaim said that the city looked forward to a constructive and meaningful public participation process.

"The city intends to engage the occupants about the options available to them to determine the appropriate response for each of these households in terms of council policy and legislation."

The city has encouraged those who wish to take part in the public comment period to visit its website at