Alpha Ramushwana27 September 2024 | 4:17

SA govt to ceremoniously receive fallen freedom fighters' remains

Government officials and families of the struggle stalwarts will attend the homecoming ceremony at Freedom Park Heritage Site in Pretoria.

SA govt to ceremoniously receive fallen freedom fighters' remains

SANDF members with the repatriated remains of the 49 freedom fighters who died in exile in Zimbabwe and Zambia between 1967 and 1990. The remains returned to South Africa on 25 September 2024 at the Waterkloof Air Force Base in Pretoria. Picture: Xanderleigh Dookey Makhaza/Eyewitness News

JOHANNESBURG – The government is on Friday set to hold a homecoming ceremony for the 49 former freedom fighters whose remains have been repatriated to South Africa.


Earlier this week, the remains of liberation heroes who died in exile, in Zambia and Zimbabwe, were returned home after more than 30 years.


Government officials and families of the struggle stalwarts will attend the homecoming ceremony at Freedom Park Heritage Site in Pretoria.


The legacies of 49 freedom fighters who lost their lives fighting for South Africa’s liberation will be honoured during homecoming ceremony.




Kate Ramushu, whose son-in-law’s remains landed on home soil on Wednesday, said she’s glad government honoured those who sacrificed their lives for the country’s freedom.


“I’m happy that the closure has been done and it has been excellent.”


The ANC Veterans League president, Snuki Zikala, who spent 17 years in exile, said former freedom fighters would never be forgotten. 


“We are saying the 7th administration, which is led by the ANC, made it possible that these remains are brought back into the country.”


President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to attend Friday’s homecoming ceremony.