Alpha Ramushwana 27 September 2024 | 12:33

Ramaphosa: Govt must honour SA's fallen freedom fighters by addressing poverty & inequality

Ramaphosa was speaking at Freedom Park Heritage Site in Pretoria, where a homecoming ceremony was held for 49 liberation heroes whose remains have been repatriated from Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Ramaphosa: Govt must honour SA's fallen freedom fighters by addressing poverty & inequality

President Cyril Ramaphosa at the homecoming ceremony of South African freedom fighters who lost their lives in Zambia and Zimbabwe.

JOHANNESBURG - President Cyril Ramaphosa said that government must honour those who sacrificed their lives for South Africa's freedom by addressing poverty and inequality in the country.

Ramaphosa was speaking at Freedom Park Heritage Site in Pretoria, where a homecoming ceremony was held for 49 liberation heroes whose remains were repatriated from Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Their remains arrived in the country on Wednesday, more than 30 years after they lost their lives while in exile in the Southern African countries.

Ramaphosa said that his government was building the South Africa that liberation movements fought for.

"That will be the best memorial that we can build for the people who sacrificed so much, who are lying before us. We must work to end all forms of violence, particularly violence against women and children and we must build safe homes and safe communities. We must tear down the divisions between black and white, between men and women and between rich and poor."