Melikhaya Zagagana 27 September 2024 | 16:01

CoCT says it's ready for fire season

The municipality has deployed 210 on-duty firefighters across its 32 fire stations.

CoCT says it's ready for fire season

A Cape Town Fire Fighters, Battles The Blaze / Picture Thomas Holderewn

CAPE TOWN - The City of Cape Town said that it was all systems go as the fire season approaches in the next few weeks.

The municipality has deployed 210 on-duty firefighters across its 32 fire stations.

The city said that its response teams recorded 220 deaths between July 2023 and June 2024.

Some incidents were trauma and car accident-related.

The metro's Fire and Rescue team responded to over 13,000 incidents from October 2023 and January 2024.

According to the municipality, at least 120 fixed-term contract wildland firefighters have been trained to strengthen their readiness for the warmer months.

It has committed to partnerships with other neighbouring districts in the event of major incidents.