Carlo Petersen18 September 2024 | 10:35

State continues with cellphone evidence to prove Modack's link to top cop's murder

State witness, Hawks officer, Captain Trevor Shaw this week showed the court alleged cellphone messages between co-accused Amaal Jantjies and Modack.

State continues with cellphone evidence to prove Modack's link to top cop's murder

Alleged underworld gang boss Nafiz Modack in the Western Cape High Court on 6 August 2024. Picture: Kayleen Morgan/Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - Prosecutors in the Western Cape High Court are continuing to use cellphone evidence to prove alleged underworld crime boss, Nafiz Modack, plotted to have slain top cop Charl Kinnear murdered.

The State is presenting evidence to show Modack and two other accused allegedly planned a grenade attack on Kinnear, before his murder in September 2020.

State witness and Hawks officer, Captain Trevor Shaw, this week showed the court alleged cellphone messages between co-accused Amaal Jantjies and Modack.

It's the State’s case that Modack used Jantjies and her then-boyfriend, Yannick Adonis, to plan a grenade attack on Kinnear in November 2019.

Modack, Jantjies and Adonis face charges of conspiracy to commit murder related to the incident even though the attack, outside Kinnear's home in Bishop Lavis, was foiled by police.     

The State alleges Modack planned the attack because Kinnear arrested his wife on a firearms charge in October 2019.

Judge Robert Henney on Wednesday postponed the matter to 7 October 2024.