Carlo Petersen18 September 2024 | 16:29

Slain cop Charl Kinnear's widow maintains police did not ensure he was protected

Nicolette Kinnear criticised the SAPS for failing to hold anyone to account for removing her husband's security detail.

Slain cop Charl Kinnear's widow maintains police did not ensure he was protected

FILE: Nicolette Kinnear with sons Casleigh (left) and Carlisle (right) outside Bellville Regional Court on 18 March 2021. Picture: Kevin Brandt/Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - An alleged crime boss is being tried for ordering anti-gang unit detective Charl Kinnear's murder, but his widow maintains police did nothing to ensure he was protected. 

Speaking to CapeTalk on Wednesday, Nicolette Kinnear criticised the SAPS for failing to hold anyone to account for removing her husband's security detail.

The investigator was shot dead outside his Bishop Lavis home four years ago to the day.

His assassination is among charges against alleged gang boss, Nafiz Modack.

Nicolette kiKnear said that high-ranking officers knew her husband was under threat and being pinged by one of Modack's co-accused, Zane Killian.

"And everybody just did nothing. It was the Hawks who knew, a warrant officer and a general who knew that my husband's phone was being pinged, so they allowed Zane Killian to continue with his pinging, sat back and watched a crime being committed."