Nokukhanya Mntambo18 September 2024 | 8:22

Business leaders meet with Ramaphosa for more tough talks on NHI

While the business sector believes there is room for universal health coverage, umbrella body Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) said none of the concerns raised by the private sector have been addressed.

Business leaders meet with Ramaphosa for more tough talks on NHI

SA's NHI Bill not properly thought through, says doctors' forum Picture: Pexels

JOHANNESBURG - After snubbing the second iteration of the Presidential Health Compact in August, the country’s business leaders have met with President Cyril Ramaphosa for more tough talks on the controversial National Health Insurance.

Business titans are fiercely opposed to the implementation of the legislation in its current form, labelling it as unworkable, unaffordable and unconstitutional.

While the business sector believes there is room for universal health coverage, umbrella body Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) said none of the concerns raised by the private sector have been addressed.

EXPLAINER: What you need to know about the National Health Insurance

Presidency spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said Ramaphosa has opened the door for a fresh round of consultations with business.

“The president has requested BUSA to put forward specific proposals on the remaining issues of concern as a basis for further engagement. Government remains committed to engaging with all stakeholders in good faith on the process of healthcare reform, and to finding workable solutions that will advance quality and affordable healthcare for all.”