Lindsay Dentlinger12 September 2024 | 10:00

Steenhuisen says it was wrong to appoint Roman Cabanac

Agriculture Minister John Steenhuisen said he has asked Cabanac to step down from the chief of staff position.

Steenhuisen says it was wrong to appoint Roman Cabanac

Roman Cabanac - Facebook

CAPE TOWN - Agriculture Minister John Steenhuisen admits he got it wrong when he appointed the founder of the Capitalist party and controversial podcaster, Roman Cabanac as his chief of staff.

He confirmed to the Cape Town Press Club on Thursday afternoon, that he was axing Cabanac from the job.

Cabanac’s radical social media activity of the past has come back to haunt him since Steenhuisen appointed him to the job.

Steenhuisen said he should be judged on taking corrective action, rather than having made a poor choice.

He said the DA’s federal council had been informed of the decision.

“There has been a conversation with Mr Cabanac. There is a human resources discussion that is underway, and frankly, I found it far too distracting from the work of my ministry and our government, that he is the news story rather than the work of the department and I have asked him therefore if he will consider stepping aside.”