Lauren Isaacs 10 September 2024 | 14:49

Speaking about suicide could save a life - Netcare Akeso

Netcare Akeso is hoping to make a difference with a campaign titled: One call - the difference between now and forever.

Speaking about suicide could save a life - Netcare Akeso

Picture: Pixabay

CAPE TOWN - Speaking about suicide is key to preventing such tragedies.

That's the view of Netcare Akeso, a mental healthcare service provider on World Suicide Prevention Day.

The World Health Organization aims to cut the global rate of about 700,000 suicides a year by a third before 2030.

Netcare Akeso is hoping to make a difference with a campaign titled: One call - the difference between now and forever.

It's designed to intervene during the crucial minutes when a person may be contemplating suicide.

The organisation's Megan Gonsalves said that checking in on a friend, colleague or family member or placing a call to a mental health resource could be enough to save a life.

"Your compassion can help someone see beyond their immediate crisis, let's dismantle the stigma and save lives today."

Gonsalves said that the more people speak about suicide prevention strategies and learn how to offer support to those at risk, the greater the chance of dismantling the stigma that often discourages people from seeking help.