Bernadette Wicks30 August 2024 | 10:45

Case of trio accused of murdering two Limpopo women postponed

Advocate Jakobus Venter, for one of the accused, Zachariah Olivier told the court that he was only able to consult with his client for the first time on Friday morning.

Case of trio accused of murdering two Limpopo women postponed

Farm owner Zachariah Olivier and two of his staff, Adriaan De Wet and William Musoro, in the Mankweng Magistrates Court on 30 August 2024. Picture: Bernadette Wicks/Eyewitness News

POLOKWANE - The bail application of the three men accused of murdering two women and dumping their bodies in a pigsty in Limpopo, did not go ahead on Friday.

Zachariah Olivier, Adriaan De Wet and William Musora were arrested last week.

This on the back of the grisly discovery of Maria Makgato and Kudzai Lucia Ndlovu’s remains in a pigsty on Olivier’s farm in Sebayeng, outside Mankweng.

De Wet and Musora both work for Olivier.

They’ve been charged with multiple offences, including murdering Makgato and Ndlovu, and were scheduled to apply for bail in the Mankweng Magistrates Court on Friday.

READ: Community members demand men charged with murder of two Limpopo women 'rot in jail'

Advocate Jakobus Venter, for Zachariah Olivier told the court that he was only able to consult with his client for the first time on Friday morning.

"We are not ready to proceed. Seeing that it requires a formal bail application and as indicated now by my learned colleague it is an opposed application, I would like a proper opportunity firstly to further consult with my client and secondly just to have a proper opportunity to prepare and fill up the bail affidavit that I’ve already prepared for today."

Attornies Jodi Meyer and Chanel Brown, for Adriaan De Wet and William Musora, also made similar submissions and the case has now again been postponed, this time until 10 September, for the bail application of De Wet and Musora at least.

The defence today also requested access to the docket.

This was largely refused, however, the court ordered that a statement contained therein that was made by Venter after his arrest be made available to him which the state is planning to appeal.

Whether or not it will be ready to proceed with his bail application on the 10th remains to be seen though.