Paula Luckhoff29 August 2024 | 14:58

Steenhuisen's controversial podcaster hire: 'Is this the kind of person we want in GNU?'

John Maytham chats to Daily Maverick journo Rebecca Davis on The Afternoon Drive's Plan B.

Steenhuisen's controversial podcaster hire: 'Is this the kind of person we want in GNU?'

Roman Cabanac - Facebook

Agriculture Minister John Steenhuisen's appointment of a controversial podcaster as his chief of staff has sparked huge debate around the message it sends about the DA, and the responsibilities of the GNU.

Roman Cabanac is a conservative social media activist whose views have been decried as racist and homophobic.

RELATED: 'What he said is racist': John Steenhuisen slammed for hiring Roman Cabanac

Daily Maverick's Rebecca Davis penned an article titled Steenhuisen’s podcast bro appointment of Roman Cabanac is a low for the DA.

On the Afternoon Drive's Plan B, the journalist says she says she's doubling down on her comments 'much like Steenhuisen who's shown no indication that the position is going to be reconsidered in any way'.

Davis highlights what she says is an extraordinary amount of whataboutery, also from the DA itself, in response to the concerns that have been raised around the appointment by herself and others.

"When I sent John Steenhuisen questions... he responded, for instance, by saying he found it strange that Daily Maverick has never once looked at another minister's chief of staff; why is he being targeted."
"I spent 10 seconds on Google and sent him five stories that the media and Daily Maverick has written about other ministers and their choice of special advisers... It's just not true - often there is attention paid to who ministers do appoint, because it also gives a little insight into the strategic direction they're going to be taking, whether these be chiefs of staff or strategic advisers."
Rebecca Davis, Journalist - Daily Maverick

The issue about this particular appointment is that Cabanac simply is an incredibly controversial podcaster, she emphasises

Podcasting is his entire brand and seemingly his entire career as well, Davis goes on, adding that she's not sure people understand this.

"On Cabanac's Linkedin profile, all he boasts about is his online following. He says nothing about his legal experience; he apparently has an LLB and has been working as a 'legal consultant'." 
"The point is that Steenhuisen's chosen to appoint a person who's known SOLELY for having this very divisive, homophobic, racist, conservative social media profile, so the only assumption one can draw is he's being appointed because Steenhuisen likes this."
Rebecca Davis, Journalist - Daily Maverick

Davis says she's been contacted by DA MPs who've expressed horror at this appointment as they question the message being sent about who they are.

Quoting homophobic statements by Cabanac on Freddie Mercury in a video she was sent, the journalist questions whether this is the kind of person we want in government "taking millions in taxpayers' money". 

"And we've had ANC spokespeople (scrutinised) - you'll recall McIntosh Polela lost his job for tweeting homophobic messages, so it's not that the DA's being targeted here...
"'s that we're saying let there be a level of decency among these appointments with public money."
 Rebecca Davis, Journalist - Daily Maverick

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