Ntuthuzelo Nene29 August 2024 | 5:55

Some Swartland residents to march to municipality over service delivery issues

One of the issues they're up in arms about is the lack of water supply following the collapse of three dams in Riverlands three weeks ago.

Some Swartland residents to march to municipality over service delivery issues

Residents of Riverlands, near Malmesbury, are pleading with government officials to help them rebuild their homes that were damaged by the recent heavy floods. Picture: Ntuthuzelo Nene/Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - Residents of Chatsworth and Silvertown in the Swartland region are taking their service delivery grievances to the doorsteps of their local municipality on Thursday morning.

One of the issues they're up in arms about is the lack of water supply following the collapse of three dams in Riverlands three weeks ago.

ALSO READ: Majodina set to make preliminary findings on Riverlands dam collapses public

The march coincides with the visit of minister of Water and Sanitation, Pemmy Majodina.

The dam failures caused widespread flooding in Riverlands, leaving hundreds of people destitute.

Riverlands community leader Ralph Burger said at least 60 people were still being housed at two community centres.

"We also want to hear about the state of the dams. Will they rebuild the dams? Because if they rebuild the dams then it's going to be a danger again for the people living on the top side. 

"So, if they say the people living on the top side and bottom side are in the red zone and must move to a dry place, what about the school that sits at the centre of all of this water?"