Melikhaya Zagagana29 August 2024 | 12:03

Budget cuts to see thousands of WC teacher posts slashed

  The department has issued a statement, saying 2,400 teacher posts will be made redundant following a budget shortfall of R3.8 billion for the next three years.

Budget cuts to see thousands of WC teacher posts slashed

Picture: © paylessimages/

CAPE TOWN - The Western Cape Education Department says it will not be able to retain the current number of teachers for the 2025 academic year due to budget cuts.
The department has issued a statement, saying 2,400 teacher posts will be made redundant following a budget shortfall of R3.8 billion.

It says it only received 64% of a wage agreement negotiated by the national government and they're now expected to make up the 36% shortfall.

Western Cape Education MEC David Maynier says they've already tightened their purse strings by cutting administration, curriculum and infrastructure costs to retain its teachers.

READ: 2,407 teacher posts to be cut in Western Cape: 'Nothing short of a crisis!'

"We still face a drastic R2.5 billion budget cut, we still face a R3.8 billion budget shortfall over the next three years. Teachers are our greatest asset, and reducing the number of teachers in our schools will
negatively impact learning outcomes, so this is a decision that we have not taken lightly," Maynier said.
Meanwhile, the Parents for Equal Education South Africa founder, Vanessa Le Roux, said the department must take the rap for the crisis.

"National [Education Department] said it a couple of years that they have warned the Western Cape, you must make your people permanent, you are not going to sustain that. Now when the budget cuts came, they are firing people left right and centre," said Le Roux.