Carlo Petersen27 August 2024 | 4:48

Modack alleges that fabricated evidence has been used in case against him

Nafiz Modack is on trial over 122 charges he faces alongside 14 others, including the murder of top cop, Charl Kinnear.

Modack alleges that fabricated evidence has been used in case against him

Alleged underworld gang boss Nafiz Modack in the Western Cape High Court on 6 August 2024. Picture: Kayleen Morga/Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - Alleged underworld gang boss, Nafiz Modack, has hit out at the court, alleging that fabricated evidence has been used against him.

Modack is on trial over 122 charges he faces alongside 14 others, including the murder of top cop, Charl Kinnear.

Defence attorney Bashier Sibda told the court that Modack hired co-accused Zane Kilian to track the whereabouts of Kinnear, and an alleged underworld gang boss, Jerome "Donkie" Booysen.

Modack, who was being investigated by Kinnear at the time, said he wanted to prove the pair had a corrupt relationship.

Sibda told the court that evidence presented in court by Hawks officer, Edward du Plessis, showed that Kinnear and Booysen were in Sandton at the same time, ten days before Kinnear's murder.

Du Plessis told the court, that based on the evidence, it was unlikely that Kinnear met with Booysen.

Sibda then presented the court with a list of pings that showed Booysen and Kinnear were at a particular location in Belhar at the same time.

However, after examining the list, the State determined it was a misrepresentation of evidence, manipulated in an attempt to mislead the court.

The trial is set to continue on Tuesday with Modack's fraud and money laundering charges under the spotlight.