Maki Molapo23 August 2024 | 5:19

Exclusions in 2022 census report relates to data that's never been released - Stats SA

Stats SA has been criticised in recent days over the exclusion of information related to income and earnings, labour and employment as well as mortality and fertility.

Exclusions in 2022 census report relates to data that's never been released - Stats SA

Statistician-General (SG) of South Africa and Head of Statistics South Africa Risenga Maluleke. Picture credit: @StatsSA

JOHANNESBURG - Stats SA said that the exclusions mentioned in the 2022 census report relate to data that has never been released.
The organisation released the first part of the results last October, with the second phase release of the 10% sample data scheduled for the end of August. 

Stats SA has been criticised in recent days over the exclusion of information related to income and earnings, labour and employment as well as mortality and fertility.
The agency said data that did not meet international standards would not be released, which it said was not uncommon, especially for a survey conducted during and after the COVID pandemic.

The census reportedly cost taxpayers R2.3 billion.