Thabiso Goba23 August 2024 | 9:45

COGTA: Cabinet must ensure presidential imbizos lead to positive change in communities

At an average cost of about R11 million per event, the presidential imbizos have been slammed by opposition parties as expensive talk shops.

COGTA: Cabinet must ensure presidential imbizos lead to positive change in communities

President Cyril Ramaphosa hosted the first Presidential Imbizo of the 7th democratic administration in the City of Ekurhuleni on 23 August 2024. Picture: EWN/Thabiso Goba

JOHANNESBURG - The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) said that the Cabinet had a responsibility to ensure presidential imbizos lead to positive change for the communities they are being hosted in.  

At an average cost of about R11 million per event, the presidential imbizos have been slammed by opposition parties as expensive talk shops.
President Cyril Ramaphosa is hosting his first imbizo since being elected to the top office for a second term.

The imbizo is being held at the Tsakane Sports Stadium in Ekurhuleni.

COGTA Minister Velenkosini Hlabisa said the issues raised by Tsakane residents would be tackled by the respective government office. 

"The whole idea of imbizo is one plan. If all sectors and spheres of government can have one plan in dealing with the community challenges and harness all resources, mobilise them to deal jointly with challenges experienced by our people, there would be a solution at a higher speed," Hlabisa said.