Bernadette Wicks23 August 2024 | 18:04

Babita Deokaran assassination 3 years on: 'We feel her loss every day' - Nephew

To mark the occasion, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation hosted a memorial event in her honour on Friday evening - three years since Deokaran was gunned down outside her home in Mondeor, south Joburg,

Babita Deokaran assassination 3 years on: 'We feel her loss every day' - Nephew

On 23 August 2024, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation joined Babita Deokaran's family and the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse in the driveway where Babita was assassinated three years ago for a wreath-laying ceremony to honour the courageous whistleblower. Picture: Supplied/ @KathradaFound on X

JOHANNESBURG - The family of slain Gauteng Department of Health whistleblower Babita Deokaran has expressed their hopes that by this time next year, the mastermind behind her assassination will be known.

Friday - 23 August - marks three years since Deokaran was gunned down outside her home in Mondeor, south Joburg, weeks after flagging some R850 million in suspicious payments out of Tembisa Hospital.

To mark the occasion, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation hosted a memorial event in her honour.

Speaking at the event, Deokaran’s nephew, Darshan Deokaran, said the pain of her loss had not eased - all these years on.


“We feel her loss every day of our lives. It is a void that can never be filled. We miss her voice, her witty remarks, her daily updates on current affairs. And most importantly, we miss her amazing food.”

Six hitmen pleaded guilty to her murder last year. But their paymaster remains in the wind.

Her nephew said they are trying to remain optimistic that justice will ultimately prevail - but questioned whether law enforcement sought to bring any individual to book.

“We need to be her voice, we will continue to ask these questions until justice is fully served. Our hope and prayer is that when we meet again, next year, on the 23 August, we will know who the paymaster is and then we might just finally have closure.”