Nokukhanya Mntambo21 August 2024 | 8:22

Annual consumer price inflation for July falls to 4.6% - Stats SA

The July inflation print is the lowest in three years since July 2021.

Annual consumer price inflation for July falls to 4.6% - Stats SA

Picture: © rido/

JOHANNESBURG - Stats SA says annual consumer price inflation has dropped to 4.6% for July from 5.1% in June.

The July inflation print is the lowest in three years since July 2021.

Lower annual rates were recorded for several product groups, including food and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as transport.

Stats SA released the latest inflation figures on Wednesday morning.

Chief director for price statistics at Stats SA, Patrick Kelly, said that lower annual rates were recorded for several product groups.

"The annual rate for food and non-alcoholic beverages was 4.5% in July, that's down from 4.6% in June and continuing the slowing inflation trend since its most recent high of 9%, which was in November 2023."