Lindsay Dentlinger12 August 2024 | 15:38

Deadly Israeli air strike on school: DIRCO pondering whether to approach ICJ for provisional measures

Since South Africa lodged its genocide case against Israel in December - it’s approached the world court four times for provisional measures to safeguard lives in Gaza.

Deadly Israeli air strike on school: DIRCO pondering whether to approach ICJ for provisional measures

CAPE TOWN – The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) says it’s still mulling over whether to again approach the International Court of Justice for provisional measures in the wake of Israel’s bombing of a school, in which at least 100 civilians were killed.

But first it says it hopes Algeria’s request for an urgent, open United Nations security council meeting to table another ceasefire resolution will be acceded to.

Since South Africa lodged its genocide case against Israel in December - it’s approached the world court four times for provisional measures to safeguard lives in Gaza.

DIRCO says Israel has not provided proof that terrorists were hiding out in a school it bombed on Saturday - where many women and children had been seeking refuge.

The department’s director-general, Zane Dangor, says South Africa is yet to decide on any interim legal steps ahead of filing its main arguments in the genocide case in October.

“Our legal team is looking at that. We are at this stage looking at going the security council route. Our team in New York is already engaging with various delegations. We know Algeria may be calling an urgent meeting of the council.”

Dangor says there needs to be an insistence that the security council’s June ceasefire resolution is implemented and enforced.