Paula Luckhoff6 August 2024 | 16:00

'Baboon not pepper sprayed at protest - I pepper sprayed activists'

A Kommetjie resident phones in after the Cape of Good Hope SPCA reports a baboon was badly injured during a clash between Kommetjie residents and animal activists.

'Baboon not pepper sprayed at protest - I pepper sprayed activists'

Chacma baboon - Wikimedia Commons/Charles J. Sharp

The Cape of Good Hope SPCA has reported that an attack on a local baboon troop in Kommetjie by community members on Sunday evening led to the injury of one of the baboons.

It said residents wielding sticks and using pepper spray against the animals as they neared the town to roost, caused significant distress and harm.

"The situation escalated when animal activists, attempting to protect the baboons, clashed with the residents. Regrettably, one baboon severely impacted by pepper spray suffered visual impairment and, in a disoriented state, was further injured by electrocution on an electric fence while attempting to escape."
Cape of Good Hope SPCA

This baboon is currently in the care of the SPCA's Wildlife Department.

However, a caller to the Afternoon Drive denies that the injury is related to Sunday night's protest by Kommetjie residents.

Robin told John Maytham that he did indeed use pepper spray against activists, but not against any baboon.

The Kommetjie resident blames one particular animal activist for undoing what he says is over a decade's worth of 'wonderful' baboon management.

Maytham emphasised that this person would be approached to grant her right of reply on air.

"Suddenly, from around a year ago, things changed and the baboons became more emboldened, and they're now at a point where they're challenging adult males."
Robin from Kommetjie

Robin maintains that the baboon was pepper sprayed somewhere else in the village where there must have been an electric fence and it is a completely separate incident.

"What happened was around 80 concerned residents decided to get together (to protest). and a friend and I decided we're going to bang sticks together and try and chase the baboons off... The reason they're in the village is because they're being encouraged to go into a derelict building at night... "
Robin from Kommetjie

According to Robin, an activist from another area attacked his friend from behind with a hollow metal pole, and later 'ran at me and attempted to elbow me in the solar plexus'. At this time, he says the local activist had her flag furled on her shoulder.

"I wasn't prepared to get into a physical confrontation with them because it's just not on, and I pepper sprayed them."
Robin from Kommetjie

To cut a long story short, Robin says that charges have been laid for assault from their side, followed up by counter charges.

"We are sticking to the charges... We've all been summonsed because they've laid counter charges of assault for being pepper sprayed. It was in self defence as far as I'm concerned, but the court can judge."
Robin from Kommetjie

This is an account from one particular perspective, and the Afternoon Drive team will be contacting the activist concerned to hear what she has to say.

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