Chante Hohip5 August 2024 | 10:03

WEATHER: 4-seasons-in-one expected in Gauteng this week

Joburg and Pretoria, here is your weather forecast for the week ahead.

WEATHER: 4-seasons-in-one expected in Gauteng this week

Sun, wind, and clouds... It is going to be a four-seasons-in-one kind of week for Johannesburg and Pretoria.

Here is your weather forecast for the week ahead, courtesy of the South African Weather Service:


Monday: 11°C / 22°C, wind speeds of 19km/h

Tuesday: 7°C / 20°C, cloudy

Wednesday: 8°C / 23°C, clear skies

Thursday: 9°C / 25°C, clear skies

Friday: 11°C / 27, clear skies


Monday: 7°C / 19°C, wind speeds of 19km/h

Tuesday: 3°C / 19°C, cloudy

Wednesday: 4°C / 22°C, clear skies

Thursday: 8°C / 24°C, clear skies

Friday: 11°C / 25°C, clear skies