Noluthando Ngeno4 August 2024 | 6:53

Save South Africa rejects outcome of PHSG disciplinary hearing

The racism allegations relate to a so-called 'whites-only' WhatsApp group which the students were accused of using to share racial microaggressions.

Save South Africa rejects outcome of PHSG disciplinary hearing

Pretoria High School for Girls. Picture: Pretoria High School for Girls/Facebook

JOHANNESBURG - Civic movement Save South Africa has rejected the racial outcome of a disciplinary hearing at the Pretoria High School For Girls.

Its comments come after 12 learners who were suspended for racism were found not guilty by a panel.


The racism allegations relate to a so-called "whites-only" WhatsApp group which the students were accused of using to share racial micro-aggressions.

Save South Africa said that the chairperson of the disciplinary committee had taken South Africa back to pre-1994.

It said that racism at the school had been rife since 2016.

"In 2016, issues of racism were, raised but once the dust settled we all forgot about the matter and Gauteng Department of Education and the Ministry of Education did nothing afterwards. It was business as usual until recently," said spokesperson Tebogo Mashilompane.

Mashilompane said that the advocate was a disgrace to the entire legal fraternity.
"The decision by the chairperson of the disciplinary committee shows that concerns raised by black learners will never find space at Girls' High. Her decision shows once more that she is, not touched by issues of racism against black learners, and blacks in general."