Amy Fraser30 July 2024 | 9:03

Revolutionary milestone: First mechanical heart successfully implanted in human

While not the first artificial heart, this device is the pioneer in utilising maglev technology for blood circulation. 

Revolutionary milestone: First mechanical heart successfully implanted in human

For the first time, BiVACOR's fully mechanical heart, using technology similar to high-speed rail lines, has been implanted in a human / X: @IrinaT81

Clarence Ford interviews Barbara Friedman about this and other trending news on the web.

Listen below (skip to 03:36).

For the first time ever, BiVACOR’s fully mechanical heart, which leverages technology from high-speed rail systems, has been successfully implanted in a human.

This milestone represents a significant advancement in sustaining patients while they await heart transplants.

According to the Texas Heart Institute, where the implantation surgery took place, the heart is a titanium-constructed biventricular rotary blood pump.

It features a single moving part – a magnetically levitated rotor – that circulates blood and replaces both ventricles of a failing heart.

BiVACOR, which has been developing this device since 2013, highlights that the use of a magnetically levitated rotor eliminates friction, a common issue that damages traditional machinery.

This innovation is not only new but also promises enhanced longevity and performance for the device.

While not the first artificial heart, this device is the pioneer in utilising maglev technology for blood circulation. 

"This is not a forever solution; this is a holding pattern until they can find a human donor."
- Barbara Friedman

Scroll up to the audio player to listen to the interview.