Lindsay Dentlinger17 July 2024 | 4:19

McKenzie says he won't stop naming Sport, Arts and Culture beneficiaries

McKenzie has sparked unhappiness among sports people and artists for naming 4,000 people who benefited from COVID-19 relief funds.

McKenzie says he won't stop naming Sport, Arts and Culture beneficiaries

Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Gayton McKenzie at a briefing at Parliament on 16 July 2024. Picture: Lindsay Dentlinger/EWN

CAPE TOWN - Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Gayton McKenzie says he won’t stop naming those who have benefited from the department in the past.

He says there’s nothing embarrassing about getting help from government when in need - and the exercise is not intended to shame anybody.

McKenzie has sparked unhappiness among sports people and artists for naming 4,000 people who benefited from COVID-19 relief funds.

Speaking to the media at parliament on Tuesday, McKenzie said taxpayers deserved to know how their money was spent and who was defrauding government.


“Poor people in this country stand in line for their SASSA grants. You see them in the lines getting their R350. You with your R20, 000 you want to be Mzekezeke - you don’t want people to see you. You must not play with us.

“This is a new minister. Once you fill in a form, you must know I’m going to tell the public we gave you money. We are not going to hide. I’m going to be transparent under my ministry.  Whether you got R20 000 - we are now at the 20,000s. We are now getting to those who got millions.”

Mckenzie said he won’t bow to pressure not to reveal any more beneficiaries.

“You can call my friends twenty times. You can send politicians to me. You can do all those types of stuff. You can threaten me with the court. You must take me to court, your name won’t even appear. I will fast track it; we will jump a year.”