Alpha Ramushwana 1 July 2024 | 14:16

SACP urges DA ministers to serve all South Africans

While the SACP has welcomed the president’s diverse Cabinet, the organisation said that it remained skeptical about rubbing shoulders with what it calls 'white supremacists'.

SACP urges DA ministers to serve all South Africans

The South African Communist Party (SACP) secretary general, Solly Mapaila. Picture: Faceboo/SACP1921

JOHANNESBURG - With President Cyril Ramaphosa’s multi-party Cabinet hitting the ground running, the South African Communist Party (SACP) has urged Democratic Alliance (DA) ministers to serve all South Africans instead of focusing on the party’s constituencies.

The DA's long-time wish of forming part of government has finally seen the light, with six of its members included in Ramaphosa's newly announced executive.

While the SACP has welcomed the president’s diverse Cabinet, the organisation said that it remained skeptical about rubbing shoulders with what it calls "white supremacists".

SACP General Secretary Solly Mapaila made these remarks during a media briefing in Johannesburg on Monday.

Before the African National Congress (ANC) and DA signed the Government of National Unity’s statement of intent, the SACP was among the organisations that raised its objections.

The party feels the DA has an undeniable history of prioritising the interests of white people while neglecting the rest.

Mapaila, said that he was not optimistic the DA would manage to serve all South Africans equally.

"The DA remains largely a party of white interest. It has no interest for the people of this country, not at all. If it was our case, we would have preferred not to work with them at all."

The DA has, however, maintained that its non-racialism policy will come in handy in government.