Nokukhanya Mntambo30 June 2024 | 8:15

ANC contradicting itself, says BOSA after corruption-accused Kodwa gets MP post

BOSA leader Mmusi Maimane said the party was sceptical about joining the Government of National Unity (GNU) while the ANC continues to contradict itself by fielding corruption-accused Ziki Kodwa as a Member of Parliament (MP).

ANC contradicting itself, says BOSA after corruption-accused Kodwa gets MP post

Former Department of Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa in the Palm Ridge Specialised Commercial Crimes Court on 5 June 2024, on corruption charges. Picture: Xanderleigh Dookey Makhaza/Eyewitness News

JOHANNESBURG - Build One South Africa (BOSA) says the African National Congress (ANC)’s decision to field corruption-accused Zizi Kodwa as a Member of Parliament (MP) leaves a bitter taste in their mouths.

Kodwa appeared in court earlier in June in connection with allegations that he received at least R1.6 million in bribes linked to state capture crimes.

It’s alleged he influenced the awarding of contracts to EOH holdings in 2016.

While he resigned as Sports Minister following his arrest, he still scored a spot in the National Assembly.

BOSA leader Mmusi Maimane said the party was sceptical about joining the Government of National Unity (GNU) while the ANC continues to contradict itself.

“The statement of intent speaks to values that everyone can agree on. The difficulty is that the practice becomes an issue.

“Let me make a very fundamental example: the statement of intent articulates that it doesn’t endorse corruption and it wants to fight against corruption yet at the same time, in practice, the ANC can send someone who is out on bail to Parliament.”

READ: Door to GNU not closed, says BOSA's Maimane

Meanwhile, BOSA said it was yet to meet with President Cyril Ramaphosa following repeated calls for talks with almost 20 political parties.

BOSA wants all the parties represented in Parliament to be part of a national convention.

It said this was part of a bid to better understand the GNU, including its scope and agenda.

BOSA is among the parties that have not signed the agreement between 10 parties, on account it wants a revision of the statement of intent.

Maimane said the National Development Plan should be an anchor for the yet-to-be-announced cabinet.

“There will be ideological differences, naturally, but the National Development Plan is clear on energy, water, crime and it can be an adopted programme for the seventh administration.”

Maimane has called on Ramaphosa to take the outstanding parties into his confidence.

“At first instance, he’s conceded to the need for a convention or a meeting of some sort and on the other points, there’s been a call from civil society to broaden that. So we await a more concrete date and timeline.”