Nokukhanya Mntambo28 June 2024 | 13:23

State capture: Hawks still sifting through evidence to satisfy NPA

The crime-fighting agency says a dedicated task team has already worked through more than 2,000 statements in 53 state capture cases.

State capture: Hawks still sifting through evidence to satisfy NPA

The national head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks), Lieutenant-General Godfrey Lebeya briefing the media to outline progress and take stock of milestones achieved during the 4th and last quarter of financial year 2023/2024 on 28 June 2024. Picture: GCIS

JOHANNESBURG - The HAWKS say they are still combing through stacks of evidence linked to state capture crimes.

This comes as the agency doubles down on plans to hold implicated individuals accountable.

The crime-fighting agency says a dedicated task team has already worked through more than 2,000 statements in 53 state capture cases.

Former Sports, Arts and Culture Minister and African National Congress member of Parliament Zizi Kodwa is the latest casualty facing corruption charges involving alleged bribes.

ALSO READ: Hawks confirm Ramaphosa's former bodyguard won't be prosecuted over Phala Phala

Hawks head Godfrey Lebeya said criticism that state capture cases were bungled by law enforcement is untrue.

“There is a collection of evidence to make sure that the National Prosecuting Authority will be satisfied that what we have collected is sufficient to prove the matter beyond reasonable doubt when we go to court.”

Lebeya gave a wrap of the agency’s financial year in Pretoria on Friday - including their wins in the fight against high-priority crimes.

“We think we have done more and if you were to combine with the successes that the NPA, through the Investigating Directorate, has done then it is more.”