Nokukhanya Mntambo 28 June 2024 | 17:01

Hawks not willing to unpack the nitti-gritty on Steinhoff report for now

Two ex-Steinhoff officials have already been arrested for their alleged part in what has been labelled the South Africa’s biggest corporate scandal.

Hawks not willing to unpack the nitti-gritty on Steinhoff report for now

Former Steinhoff CEO Markus Jooste. Image: Eyewitness News

JOHANNESBURG - Crime-fighting agency the Hawks is keeping its cards close to its chest about further investigations into Steinhoff.

Two ex-Steinhoff officials have already been arrested for their alleged part in what has been labelled South Africa’s biggest corporate scandal.

But in a media briefing in Pretoria on Friday, agency head Godfrey Lebeya remained tight-lipped about the Steinhoff probe.

The former head of legal, Stephan Grobler, and former CFO Ben, La Grange, face charges including fraud, racketeering and contravening the Financial Markets Act.


Their latest court appearance was this week.

Disgraced CEO Markus Jooste evaded arrest after he died by suicide in March.

The true extent of the Steinhoff scandal remains unknown, with a 3000-page PWC report yet to see the light of day.

Steinhoff sealed most of the report and only released a watered-down summary of the findings.

While the Hawks have seen the full report that names 10 Steinhoff executives, Lebeya would not be drawn to comment on other contents.

"We do not always want to unpack the nitty-gritty before they happen, but as and when the prosecutors decide on what next, we will be informing the public.”

Grobler and La grange are expected back in the dock again in October.