Paula Luckhoff27 June 2024 | 18:56

LISTEN: An emotional Bruce Whitfield recalls moment that led to his radio career

Bruce Whitfield wrapped up The Money Show as host on Thursday, as he prepares for a new professional adventure.

LISTEN: An emotional Bruce Whitfield recalls moment that led to his radio career

The influential presenter of The Money Show, Bruce Whitfield, is leaving Primedia Broadcasting after 20 years to embark on a new professional adventure.

Hosting his final edition at the helm, Whitfield took some time to to recall a seminal moment which ultimately led to his successful career in radio, and in other ventures.

A five-year-old Bruce, questioning his farmer father's career choices at the time, 'zoned out' to listen to a programme on what was then Radio South Africa.

It was hosted by Jeremy Dawes, who resurfaced in Whitfield's life this week, in a way that brought him to tears on his own radio show.

"The show was called Audio Mix... I have no understanding of the content at the time but there's a guy called Nixon who seems to be in trouble over something called Watergate, and I know at that moment that Jeremy Dawes has got a much better job than my dad. My dad gets up before the sun comes up... and he goes home when the sun has set... Jeremy Dawes arrives at four o' clock every afternoon and leaves at six, and I'm thinking 'now that's the job I want'."
"And ever since that moment I wanted to be on the radio, and I've been so flippen lucky, I really have."
Bruce Whitfield

It was around five years ago, says Whitfield, that he started to look for Dawes just to phone him and say 'thank you'. But, as it happens to all of us, he got distracted.

Then this week, with all the changes looming, Whitfield became 'really obsessed' with finally making contact.

"... and saying to him 'you have no connection to me whatsoever except this one thing, and that is: you made a little boy dream big."
Bruce Whitfield

He was finally informed that Dawes had actually died, in January, relates an emotional Whitfield.

His voice cracking, Whitfield links this outstanding message of thanks to those he's received from listeners as he exits The Money Show.

"It struck me that I'd missed this opportunity... to thank someone that I'd never met, but who had a wonderful, positive influence on me... and especially when I look across the many hundreds of messages fromYyou across social media, I'm stunned by the impact you say the show has had on you."
"And when I consider though the impact that Jeremy Dawes had on a five-year-old me and I read YOUR messages... I really messed up by not contacting him..."
"So, thank you.... and if you've been incredibly kind to me this week, I wish I could have done it for him. If you're listening, Jeremy Dawes, thank you." 
Bruce Whitfield

In conclusion, Whitfield expresses the hope that you, his audience, will be as kind to the new Money Show host, as you have been to him.